A Car Corral has been added:
For this year's DM Concours we will be featuring a new option, a place for great cars not in the show to park and be admired. Car enthusiasts who show their cars at Cars and Coffee Events, will like that they now can come to the DM Concours and also have their own place to park and show off their cars. It has been long noticed that spectators who come to this event are driving really nice cars, but have always had to park in the parking lot. Not this year, we have a special place for that car enthusiast who is bringing out his/her pride and joy! So if you are bringing your baby out for a nice Sunday Drive, stop by park in the Car Corral and enjoy the show. Car Corral parking is free and cars are not part of the DM Concours judging or People's Choice.
For this year's DM Concours we will be featuring a new option, a place for great cars not in the show to park and be admired. Car enthusiasts who show their cars at Cars and Coffee Events, will like that they now can come to the DM Concours and also have their own place to park and show off their cars. It has been long noticed that spectators who come to this event are driving really nice cars, but have always had to park in the parking lot. Not this year, we have a special place for that car enthusiast who is bringing out his/her pride and joy! So if you are bringing your baby out for a nice Sunday Drive, stop by park in the Car Corral and enjoy the show. Car Corral parking is free and cars are not part of the DM Concours judging or People's Choice.